Will I have enough camp labels?
We have three pack options for our camp labels: 73 labels in our Camp Pack , 74 labels in our Camp Clothing Pack , and 167 labels in our Sleepaway Camp Pack .
How do I label clothes for camp?
We offer laminated labels for clothing care tags, unlaminated labels for tagless clothing, and iron-on labels. All our camp packs come with clothing labels . For camp clothes, we have a dedicated pack, the camp clothing labels pack, which includes both stick-on and iron-on labels. Our iron-on labels are handy for labeling socks and towels for camp.
How do I label kids’ shoes for camp?
Two of our camp packs come with designated shoe labels that go into the sole of each shoe. You can also use any leftover, unlaminated stick-on labels for shoes.
Are iron-on camp labels easy to apply?
Yes! Set your iron to a cotton-friendly high heat, make sure the garment is dry, peel the label, and position where you want it on the fabric. Cover it with the provided parchment paper and press down with the iron for 15-20 seconds.
Which type of camp labels are best for bathing suits?
Laminated stick-on and iron-on labels are best for swimming suits. These two options make the best swimwear labels that withstand water and chlorine.
What items should I label for sleepaway camp?
Label everything your child takes to camp, including luggage and trunks! Labeling all of your child’s gear and clothing reduces the risk of lost items and saves you money in the long run.