Giving Back

Name Bubbles is Partnering with Blessings in a Backpack for 2023!

Ariel Luy


Dec 29, 22

Each year, we strive to make a difference in the lives of families across the globe. We have partnered with numerous nonprofit organizations that have made significant contributions to bettering society and providing opportunities for kids across the United States. We are so excited to announce that we will be partnering with Blessings in a Backpack for the entirety of 2023. Our goal is to give a minimum gift of $20,000 to help provide meals for children who may not have food on the weekends. Our goal is to support this incredible nonprofit that cares for children who may otherwise be going hungry.


Blessings in a Backpack is a nonprofit organization that raises money to provide food on the weekend for grade school children in the U.S. who may otherwise go hungry. They mobilize communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America. 


The consequences of hunger are much more than a growling stomach. One in six American children may be struggling with access to food. Poor nutrition can result in a weaker immune system, increased hospitalization, lower IQ, shorter attention spans, and lower academic achievement. Children are fed during the school week by federal government programs. Blessings In A Backpack makes sure they’re getting nutritional meals over the weekend, too.


Name Bubbles founder Michelle Brandriss grew her idea as a way to help parents better organize and support their children. Although the company has expanded over the years, Name Bubbles has not grown out of wanting to provide parents and children support. Blessings in a Backpack is an organization that supports an important cause we prioritize: making sure children are fed and healthy. Our goal is to care for children – whether it’s through creating name labels, printing stickers, or making sure they have meals and aren’t going hungry on the weekend – to us. Any way we can help matters. 

We have partnered with Blessings in a Backpack in the past and the reward of seeing how many children are positively impacted is indescribable. Nothing brings the Name Bubbles team more joy than connecting with families and providing assistance however we can. We are so thrilled to have our first year-long partnership and to continue giving however we can. 


Children and their well-being always matter to us, which is why we are so excited to support Blessings in a Backpack. Throughout 2023, we will be running give-for-discount campaigns that will directly support Blessings in a Backpack. Our labels are great for any little one or family who are looking to organize their life and keep track of their possessions. Your purchases will be helping to provide a meal for a child who would be experiencing hunger without it. You are directly contributing to the well-being and health of a student in America and creating a better future for your wonderful kids. Join us in our mission of giving meals and helping students grow healthy and alleviate hunger by supporting Name Bubbles!

To learn more about Blessings in a Backpack, click here.

To learn more about Name Bubbles and our philanthropy partnerships, click here

Ariel Luy

Hey, I'm Ariel and I am the Marketing Manager at Name Bubbles! I’ve gotten the opportunity to create Reels, manage our social media pages, and write blog posts since I’ve joined in 2022. I graduated from Liberty University in 2021 with a Bachelor ...

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