What items can you use daycare labels on?
They’re perfect to attach to anything headed to daycare with your child. Place our daycare labels on baby bottles , blankets, toys, snack containers, diaper bags, and extra clothing to ensure that all items return home with your little one at the end of each day.
Are daycare labels waterproof?
Yes! They’re waterproof and will not damage or lose their vibrancy after getting wet.
What patterns and prints of daycare label stickers are available?
We have a selection of adorable patterns and prints, including gingham, dinosaurs, rainbows, zoo animals, unicorns, cupcakes, and more. Our daycare label designs are great for infants, toddlers, and young children.
What information should you personalize daycare labels with?
Always include your child's name when creating custom daycare labels for your child’s items. If you’d like to add more information, try our contact labels that allow up to three to five additional lines of information.
Do you have daycare labels for bottles?
Yes! Not only are our name labels great for baby bottles , but we also offer specific write-on labels for them! These labels allow for first—and last-name customizations and write-on areas for reusable note-taking.