Toiletry Labels

Toiletry Labels

Toiletry Labels

Keep toiletries organized at home and on trips with our personalized toiletry labels. Our toiletry labels are waterproof, super durable, and long-lasting. They’re perfect for full and travel-size toiletry cases for camp, summer vacations, sleepovers, and more. These toiletry labels are fade-resistant and won’t peel or fall off even after daily use.


Keep kids’ toiletries tidy and organized with our toiletry name labels! These easy-to-use stick-on labels are perfect for labeling shampoo, toothpaste, contact solution, hygine products, and lotion. We know kids tend to lose and misplace things, especially their toiletry items, while on trips with school or when they’re out on big camp adventures. It’s also hard to distinguish toiletry items when they all look identical. That’s where our toiletry name labels come in to save the day! Our labels are vibrant and bold, and the text is legible, making your kid’s toiletries easy to identify in a crowd.


Our toiletry labels are waterproof, durable, and long-lasting. They stick firmly even after getting wet and won’t fade. You can even add one of your personalized labels to your kid’s toothbrush so nothing gets mistaken. Our name labels for toiletries work whether applied directly to the toiletry bottle or tube and when applied to reusable toiletry containers (as long as they are NOT silicone or rubber). It’s easy to apply our toiletry labels- peel the label from the sheet, stick it to the item, and allow the label to sit for 24 hours before getting wet (this ensures the label adheres to its potential). Say goodbye to lost toiletries and travel in confidence with Name Bubbles!


How do you label travel toiletries?

Peel and stick these labels directly onto the toiletry you’d like to label. We recommend labeling reusable toiletries to get the most out of your new name labels , but they’ll also stick to disposable toiletries.

Can I get these toiletry name labels wet?

Absolutely! Our waterproof toiletry labels won’t peel, curl, fall off, or fade, even if they frequently get wet.

Can I add extra details to my labels for travel toiletries?

Our travel labels are small enough to fit travel-sized bottles and items, so they do not allow for extra information. If you’d like to label larger toiletry items or containers, try our contact labels , which allow for up to three lines of additional information.

How do you label travel toiletry bottles?

These labels are ideal for reusable toiletry bottles, so nothing gets mixed in with others. Label your kids' toiletry bottles before they head to camp or overnight stays so their stuff is easy to spot.