What information can I include on large labels?
If you want to add more than just first and last names, choose from one of our contact labels . Our standard-size contact label allows for three additional lines of text, while our large contact label allows for five. Our contact style labels are great for adding information like address, email address, phone number, person of contact, or anything that will help the item return safely if lost or misplaced.
Can I clean my child’s belongings that have large labels on them?
Absolutely! These labels are waterproof, so cleaning them isn’t an issue. Additionally, if you have the label on a dishwasher-safe item, that’s okay because these labels are also dishwasher-safe !
Are these labels safe for extreme temperatures?
Our large labels can withstand temperatures up to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as -60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Do these labels interfere with electronic devices if used on them?
Our labels are safe and will not disrupt your child’s electronic devices. They are safe for laptops, tablets, and other electronic items.