Can I use these labels on clothing?
Our sleepaway camp pack includes stick-on and iron-on clothing labels . Including these labels gives parents peace of mind, safeguarding expensive clothing items against the lost and found!
Are these labels suitable for day camp?
Absolutely! With over 160 labels, the sleepaway camp combo pack has everything you need to label for day camp, with extra! We also have a day camp combo pack designed specifically for day camp.
Can I add extra details to these labels?
In addition to first and last names, our combo pack of sleepaway camp labels includes two contact labels . These labels include an additional three lines for you to include important details like phone number, address, email, or any other point of helpful information.
Which type of sleepaway camp labels are best for bathing suits?
Laminated iron-on and stick-on labels are best for swimming suits. These two options make the best swimwear labels that withstand water and chlorine.