Every Name Bubbles label is made with a little love – from parents selecting their designs and personalizing their child’s label to the caring team that works hard to make a great product. It was a goal of the company’s founder, Michelle Brandriss, to share that spark of happiness with organizations that work hard to make children’s lives better.
Labeled for Good was created in 2010, a year after Name Bubbles opened its online store, to give back and has been doing so ever since. Whether it's through monetary giving, volunteerism, or product donations, we like to think that our small business can help make a child’s day a little brighter and have selected nonprofits that support children’s health, happiness, and
We would like you to meet our nonprofit partners and learn how your purchase of name labels for camp, daycare, or school will make a difference throughout the year during our different campaigns.
Our 2025 Initiative
Feed the Children’s Backpack-and-Go Program
Name Bubbles is proud to support the Feed the Children’s Backpack-and-Go program with a $20,000 commitment to help children access the essential resources they need to succeed in school. This program provides backpacks filled with school supplies, hygiene products, and shelf-stable meals to underprivileged students across the country.
Many students face daily challenges that impact their ability to learn. A lack of basic resources can lead to absenteeism and lower academic performance. The Backpack-and-Go program helps children stay in school, feel confident, and focus on their education by providing these essential items.
Feed The Children is committed to ending childhood hunger. In the U.S. and around the world, they provide children and families with the food and essentials kids need to grow and thrive.
Our History of Giving
2023-24 | Blessings in a Backpack
For two years, Name Bubbles committed to give a minimum of $20,000 to Blessings in a Backpack through $1 dollar for every school labels pack sold and each year we were able to surpass that amount.
Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry.
2022 | Positivity Project
In 2022, we partnered with Positivity Project with the goal of sponsoring 10 schools in the coming year.
Positivity Project's mission is to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships and become their best selves.
They do this by providing schools across the country with positive character education lesson plans that can be taught in just 15 minutes per day.
2022 | WIN (Women in Need)
In January of 2022, we celebrated Name Bubbles’ anniversary by giving $10,000 to WIN (Women In Need) through a discount for donations promotion and special product sales through the first quarter of the year. It is our hope that we can support WIN in breaking the cycle of homelessness and help a family regain their independence through safe housing and critical services.
WIN transforms the lives of New York City homeless families by providing holistic solutions of safe housing, critical services, and ground-breaking programs they need to succeed on their own. This allows these families to regain their independence and their children can look forward to a brighter future.
WIN by the Numbers
• 4,700 people housed each night, including over 2,700 children
• 711 families were placed into permanent housing last year
• 9 out of 10 of their homeless families are led by women
• 9,200 people have called WIN ‘home’ in the past year
2022 | Double H Ranch
In 2022, Name Bubbles was happy to share the news that we'll be sending five kids to the Double H Ranch for a summer camp experience. By giving a $1 for every camp label product purchased, we committed to giving the $2,400 needed per child to have a safe experience with doctors and nurses on-site 24 hours a day due to the seriousness of the children's illnesses.
The mission of the Double H Ranch is to provide specialized programs and year-round support for children and their families dealing with life-threatening illnesses. Their purpose is to enrich children's lives and provide camp experiences that are memorable, exciting, fun, empowering, physically safe, and medically sound. All programs are FREE of charge and capture the magic of the Adirondacks.
2022 | Sunflower of Peace
In 2022, Name Bubbles was compelled to help Ukraine by designing unique stickers to bring awareness to the cause. We committed $2 for every Hearts for Ukraine sticker purchased.
Sunflower of Peace is a non-profit organization committed to helping Ukrainians on the ground in the hardest-hit areas affected by the Russian military invasion. SoP vision is Ukraine that is free, independent, democratic, and peaceful: a society where all people can thrive.
2022 | Toys for Tots
Name Bubbles committed a minimum of $10,000 to Toys for Tots through the 2022 holiday season. A dollar will be given to the organization for every name label pack sold during the last quarter of the year. Our Discounts for Donations program will continue through the holidays and other special promotions will support our Toys for Tots giving program.
When you donate to Marine Toys for Tots through your Name Bubbles purchase, you are helping to bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America’s less fortunate children. The organization has been building hope since 1947 and has distributed over 604 million toys to 272 million children to date.
2019-21 | Blessings in a Backpack
For three years, Name Bubbles committed to give a minimum of $20,000 to Blessings in a Backpack through $1 dollar for every school labels pack sold and each year we were able to surpass that amount.
Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry.
2016-18 | Miracle Foundation
Miracle Foundation is a nonprofit organization that brings life-changing care to the world's orphans. Together with donors, Miracle Foundation transforms local orphanages into homes, trains displaced women to become cherished mothers, and funds scholarships for education. Their approach empowers donors, caregivers and children.
By giving $1 from every school labels pack purchased and committing to $10,000 per year, Name Bubbles was able to support the education for one orphanage, three years in a row.
2014-15 | Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE)
Name Bubbles committed to giving $10,000 for two consecutive years to support FARE in its mission to improve the quality of life and
health of individuals with food allergies, while also providing them with hope through the promise of new treatments.
2013 | Kids in Distressed Situations (KIDS)
Name Bubbles announced Kids in Distressed Situations (KIDS) as its 2013 nonprofit partner for the Name Bubbles Giving Program. The company committed $25,000 dollars to the charity through the sales of personalized clothing labels.
Since its inception, KIDS has provided almost 1 billion dollars to help nearly 70 million children. With a network of nearly 2,000 local partner agencies located in all 50 states and an overhead of less than 3%, they can effectively and efficiently deliver products directly to children when and where they need them.
2012 | Reading Is Fundamental
In 2012, Name Bubbles was proud to be a supporter of Reading Is Fundamental, the oldest literacy nonprofit in the country dedicated to placing books in the hands of children that need them most. As a part of our Giving Program, Name Bubbles made an initial monetary commitment of $10,000 dollars to RIF and is pleased to report that more than 3,000 orders of School-Themed Labels were purchased in support of the partnership.
Name Bubbles, along with their customers, donated to the program as an effort to raise awareness that reading intervention at an early age is essential to today’s youth. In addition to the monetary donation made by Name Bubbles to RIF’s literacy programs, numerous social media and marketing campaigns touched on the benefits of RIF’s extensive programs that support the under-served populations in the United States.
2010-11 | Water For People
In 2010, Name Bubbles announced its partnership with Water For People, a nonprofit organization that brings long-lasting water and sanitation solutions to 11 developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and Central America. In launching the bag-tag campaign, Name Bubbles made an initial $10,000 donation to Water For People and committed an additional $1.25 to the cause for every bag tag purchased in 2010.
In total, Name Bubbles raised $14,000 for Water For People in 2011 for a grand total of $24,000. The donation will help efforts to educate citizens/residents and transform people’s lives by improving health and economic productivity to end the cycle of poverty.